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Showing posts from February, 2021

January: What Did I Read?

 2021: the year of the new beginnings. One of my goals was to complete a goodreads reading challenge. Now I won't jinx things by telling you what that goal number was, but I'm more than on track, if I do say so myself. I read 8 books this month! Let me give you a rundown. I kicked things off with Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting. It's one of those books that's been sitting in my parent's cupboard for years and I've finally worked up the courage to get around to it. And I'm so glad I did. Certainly one of my favourite books ever- I gave it 5/5 on goodreads. It's technically a novel, but it reads more like a bunch of short stories, meaning that it was quite a quick and easy read. Even if I had to read it out loud half the time; sounding out the words so that I understood what was going on. It chronicles the life of a group of heroin addicts living in Edinburgh. Not the easiest subject matter- and some scenes were absolutely vile to read so I can't imag

A Discovery of Witches: S2 Review

  It begins with absence and desire. It begins with blood and fear. It begins with   A Discovery of Witches … season two. Picking up right where the first season left off, with our two leads Diana (Teresa Palmer) and Matthew (Matthew Goode) landing in London, it’s certainly a lot more action-packed than its predecessor.  As it dances between both past and present – with every character encountering problems everywhere they go – there’s almost never a dull moment. It helps that the show is also visually stunning. With a rich, earthy-toned colour scheme, and contemporary Oxford, Elizabethan London, and Gothic castles for settings, as well as some very sophisticated special effects in the form of the witches’ magic, there’s no denying that this season is a treat to look at, aside from the peculiar array of outfits that look vaguely like curtains that Diana was frequently adorning. And the weird amount of bloodletting that the characters were getting up to, but maybe I’m just squeamish. Af