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April: What Did I Read?

I need to stop starting 400+ page books! It’s really holding me back on tearing through my goodreads goals. In case anyone was interested, I have finished none of the three (three!) different ones that I started— instead I half abandoned them and read some shorter ones instead. But I only managed three, whilst I technically did read six. 

The first book I read was The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini. Let me just preface this by saying I absolutely understand that this is an excellent book, and it deserves all of the praise it has received. That being said, it didn’t really hit for me. I definitely cried (a lot) but it just felt a tiny bit lifeless; as though it was written more to be considered the best book of all time than for the sake of telling a story. Although it was an incredible story; even if at some points it felt like pain just for the sake of pain. I really didn’t like the main character but all of the characters around him were lovely. An incredibly well written book. And it certainly evokes a lot; as the story of a young boy growing up over the backdrop of the conflict in Afghanistan. I’m going to rate it 4/5. Although, I do have a bit of a thing against stories about preteen/ teenage boys so maybe that’s really what I’m holding against this book. Perhaps I’ll love A Thousand Splendid Suns just that little bit more. 

Secondly, in my attempts to read all of Jane Austen’s works by the end of the year— therefore reading one each holiday, I read Sense and Sensibility. My god, did I love it! Definitely my favourite Austen thus far. All of the characters are so well done; you root for the heroines, can’t stop laughing at the side characters; swoon for the romantic leads; and hate all of the antagonists. I’m certain I cried at least once, at the plight of poor Eleanor and Marianne. This was delightfully written, and such a sense of place is evoked. But I must confess I really struggled to keep all of the characters straight in my mind— but that’s definitely a me problem. I never can. This was a 5/5 book for me. I’m such a sucker for a happy ending, and this had about three! The film is also incredible; check it out if you’re into period dramas. 

And to finish April off, I read Abigail Dean’s debut novel Girl A. And it was incredible. So well plotted, the characters had such depth, and such a horrendous subject matter was treated with incredible care. Not once was there any exploitation nor was it sensationalised in any way. The main character (whose name escapes me right now) was so strong; and not in the way that many believe a female character needs to be. She was quietly strong, holding on all the way. There was a brilliant plot twist as well— I gasped. It hit me like a ton of bricks but, looking back, it was very carefully set up. I’m expecting great things from Abigail Dean in future; another 5/5 novel. But I would proceed with caution around this one, as it deals with some pretty awful things. 

That’s my month in books! Pretty pitiful in comparison to weeks gone by, but I’m still on target. Hopefully at some point I’ll actually finish something. What have you read this April? 
